It seems that there are no other links on the internet to information about this regiment. I am posting some brief information from Confederate Military History and a bibliography on this regiment. I do this in honor and remembrance of the men who served with this regiment, lest they be forgotten.
The Fifty-fifth regiment Georgia volunteers was organized with the following field officers: Col. C. B. Harkie, Lieut.-Col. A. W. Persons, Maj. D. S. Printup, Adjt. R. C. Saxon. The captains were: (A) Turner J. Ball, (B) James M. Griffin, (C) William J. Collins, (D) John G. Lester, (E) Ben R. Kendrick (killed), (F) H. W. Baker, (G) R. L. Mitchell, (H) J.P. Allen, (I) D.A. Lee (died), (K) M.P. Tucker, (L) E. M. Westbrook. The Fifty-fifth was sent to east Tennessee, in the spring of 1862, and in Heth's division marched into Kentucky. Returning to east Tennessee, it served in that department until surrendered with the rest of the garrison of Cumberland Gap in the summer of 1863. After exchange it was placed on detached service, guarding prisoners at Andersonville, Ga., and Salisbury, NC. In March, 1865, the detachments of the regiment were ordered to report to General Johnston in North Carolina, but the war ended before the order could be obeyed. The regiment had the following officers besides those already named: Cols. A. W. Persons and D. S. Printup, Lieut.-Col. D. S. Printup, Maj. M. P. Tucker, and Capt. J. J. Roberson succeeded Baker.
Organization of the Companies of the 55th Regiment
Company A: Randolph County men- Randolph Guards
Company B: Greene County men-Stocks Volunteers. Most of this company was captured at Cumberland Gap and spent time in prison camp at Douglas, IL. Those not captured were mostly detailed as guards at Andersonville.
Company C: Dooly County men
Company D: Hall County men-Hall Volunteers
Company E: Miller County men-Miller Wildcats
Company F: Meriwether County men
Company G: Randolph County men-Jackson Avengers
Company H: Randolph and Spalding County men
Company I: Gwinnett County men
Company K: Coweta and Meriwether County men-Ector Rifles. A greater part of this regiment was captured at Cumberland Gap, TN September 1863. On February 24, 1864, that part of the regiment not captured was consolidated into a detachment of three companies, A, B, and C, and known as "detachment of 55th Regiment Georgia Infantry."
Bibliography- 55th Georgia Infantry
Chapman, R. D. A Georgia Soldier in the Civil War. 1923
Confederate Military History, Extended Edition. Vol. 7: Georgia. Wilmington, NC: Broadfoot, 1987. See pp. 126-27 for a brief unit history.
Crute, Joseph H., Jr. Units of the Confederate States Army. Midlothian, VA: Derwent Books, 1987. Ref. See p. 113 for a concise summary of the regiment's service.
Georgia State Division of Confederate Pensions and Records. Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia, l86l-l865. Vol. 5. Hapeville, GA: Longino & Porter, 1959. pp. 731-836. Unit roster.
Jones, Charles E. Georgia in the War, 1861-1866. Atlanta, GA: Foot & Davies, 1909. See p. 33 for an incomplete list of unit officers.
Sifakis, Stewart. Compendium of the Confederate Armies:...Georgia. NY: Facts on File, 1995. pp. 269-70
� 2001 John Griffin