101 West Church Avenue
Masontown, Pennsylvania 15461-2093
Phone 724-583-7866
Fax 724-583-0373
NEW PARISIONERS: Welcome! Please register as soon as possible. Contact the Parish Office.
BAPTISMS: By appointment. Prior to your baby's baptism, you must be registered and a practising Catholic in this parish. A godparent must be a fully-initiated, practicing Catholic, age 16 or older.
MARRIAGE: Requires membership in this parish community by at least one parties for six months prior to making arrangements for marriage. All pre-nuptial paperwork must be completed at least six months prior to the wedding date. It is the responsibility of the wedding couple to make sure that the necessary papers are completed. Weddings should be scheduled one year in advance. Participation in marriage preparation program is required.
COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND: Is provided on a regular basis. Call the Parish Office to be added to our list.
HOSPITAL MINISTRY: If you or someone you know is hospitalized and wishes to be visited, call the Parish Office.
Website by Tom Hunter