2000 - Bird sightings in Westmoreland County, southwestern Pennsylvania

Bird sightings in Westmoreland County, southwestern Pennsylvania

~~~ Year 2000 ~~~

Some bird sightings

m=male, f=female, pr=pair (1 male + 1 female), a=adult, im=immature, f/i=female or immature, b=breeding (summer) plumage, n=non-breeding (winter or basic) plumage, h=heard, s=seen, oh=overhead. An underlined entry means the sighting is somehow special, first of season, unusual, noteworthy; locally or regionally uncommon/rare, out-of-season, out-of-range, extralimital, etc.
Use the Edit & Find command from your browser's menu bar to search for a specific species name in this page. Most recent sightings are at the top of the list. Dates are formatted as month/day (mm/dd).

December 2000 was the fourth coldest on record in the Pittsburgh region of western PA. The temperature was below freezing the entire last half of the month (18 consecutive days w/o going above freezing), some snowfalls but no large accumulations, cloud-cover, ponds & lakes froze over, birds flocking to feeders. Lakes & ponds were ice-bound for two full months & then some, from December into mid-February 2001. One of the better ice-fishing & snow skiing winters in a while. No invasions of far north bird species were reported.

Bird Sightings in Westmoreland County, PA
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