2004 - Bird sightings in Westmoreland County, southwestern Pennsylvania
Birding in Westmoreland County, southwestern Pennsylvania
~~~ Year 2004 ~~~
Some bird sightings
m=male, f=female, pr=pair (1 male + 1 female), a=adult, im=immature, f/i=female or immature, b=breeding (summer) plumage, n=non-breeding (winter or basic) plumage, h=heard, s=seen, oh=overhead. An underlined entry means the sighting is somehow special, first of season, unusual, noteworthy; locally or regionally uncommon/rare, out-of-season, out-of-range, extralimital, etc.
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Raven 2, Canada Goose 100s, Snow Goose 1, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker at Conemaugh River Lake, 12/30.
Cooper's Hawk 2 (im, a) in 6th ward, Latrobe, 12/28.
An immature Cooper's Hawk plucking and eating a sparrow on the ground beneath a bird feeder in a yard in the sixth ward of Latrobe,12/27.
Kestrel 1 (Auen Rd), Red-tailed Hawk 4, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1, Common Raven 2, Northern Flicker 1, Hairy Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker, Conemaugh River Dam and canal park, 12/26.
Cooper's Hawk 1a along McFarland Rd between Latrobe and Derbytown. Song Sparrow, Tree Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, Red-tailed Hawk im, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Black-capped Chickadee, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Cardinal, Eastern Bluebird 3, House Finch, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Mockingbird 1 at Keystone State Park. The lake is completely froze over, 1-2 inch clear ice, 12/25.
A Kestrel perched on a wire along side Beatty Rd close to old Rt30, 12/23.
Northern Flicker 1m, White-throated Sparrow 1a, Red-tailed Hawk 2-3, Kesrel 1f along St Xavier's Rd & Onega Rd, 12/21.
Red-tailed Hawk 4, Cooper's Hawk 1, Rough-legged Hawk 1 light phase, Kestrel 1, White-throated Sparrow a & im, Tufted Titmouse, Carolina Wren, White-crowned Sparrow, Cardinal, Mourning Dove, House Finch, Starling, Eastern Bluebird 4 along St Xavier's Rd and Sessi Rd just west of Westmoreland County Airport, 12/18.
American Goldfinch, Tree Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow at Conemaugh River Lake. Screech Owl heard at Loyalhanna Lake, 12/10.
Red-bellied Woodpecker, Cardinal, White-throated Sparrow, Great Horned Owl 2 hooting in woods near Latrobe, 11/28.
Bald Eagle 1a, Red-tailed Hawk 3+, Tundra Swan 48, Belted Kingfisher 1, Yellow-bellied Woodpecker 1h (nasal mewing cheerrrr) seen/heard during a two hour kayak float on the Conemaugh River from Conemaugh Dam to Saltsburg. The eagle was seen along the river at Tunnelton. The swans, in formation and vocal, passed overhead near Saltsburg. 11/21.
Song Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow 4a 1im (singing), Mockingbird, Cardinal, Meadowlark 12~, Red-tailed Hawk 2a 1im, Kestrel 1m, Canada Goose 50~, Wilson's Snipe 1, Carolina Wren 1h along backroads (Earhart, Sessi, St Xavier, Onega) between Westmoreland airport & Beatty Crossroads 11/17.
Belted Kingfisher 2, Great Blue Heron 2, Red-tailed Hawk 3, Killdeer 12 at Loyalhanna Lake 11/10.
Blue-headed Vireo, Raven at Linn Run Hollow and Laurel Summit, 10/28.
Peregrine Falcon 1 at the Cathedral of Learning building in the Oakland section of Pittsburgh, circling above the building and perching, 10/24.
Great Blue Heron 4, Belted Kingfisher 2, Greater Yellowlegs 3, Spotted Sandpiper 5, Killdeer 5, Raven 3, Red-tailed Hawk 3, Eastern Bluebird 4, Turkey Vulture 3, Crow, Pileated Woodpecker 2 at Conemaugh River Lake along West Penn Trail. The hawks and ravens were kiting the wind over bow ridge. Two Raven harrassed and chased a Red-tailed Hawk. The sandpipers were on a debri jam at the bridge at bow ridge. The Yellowlegs were working the shoreline catching fish.10/22.
Field Sparrow 4+, White-throated Sparrow, Sharp-shinned Hawk along old Slag Rd off Rt981 south of New Alexandria, 10/7.
Double-crested Cormorant 2, Great Blue Heron 1 at Loyalhanna Lake 10/5.
Black-throated Green Warbler, American Redstart, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Carolina Wren, Tufted Titmouse, Black-capped Chickadee, Red-tailed Hawk 2im, Turkey Vulture. Allegheny Woodrat caches. Chestnut Ridge in Derry Township, 10/4.
Osprey 1 at Keystone State Park, 10/3.
Brown Creeper 1 vocal (sounding alot like a referee's whistle), Red-tailed Hawk 2, Turkey Vulture, Cooper's Hawk (1 diving/harrassing Turkey Vulture), Killdeer 10, Chipping Sparrow, Eastern Bluebird 2 along the Kiskiminetas River between Avonmore and Saltsburg, 10/1.
Raven 1, Hooded Warbler 1m, Pileated Woodpecker, Rock Doves at Conemaugh Dam. Also Wood Turtle, Chicken Mushroom, Jack-O-Lantern Mushroom, a fossil found in soft shale. A favorite perch for the Rock Doves is atop the gantry crane on the dam. 9/26.
Spotted Sandpiper 1, Killdeer at Keystone State Park, 9/24.
Osprey 1a, Great Blue Heron 1, Chimney Swift, Eastern Bluebird 2, Killdeer 32, Cedar Waxwing 6+, American Goldfinch, Eastern Phoebe 1, Mallard, Canada Goose, Yellow-shafted Flicker, Red-bellied Woodpecker h, Pileated Woodpecker h, Belted Kingfisher, Gray Catbird h at Keystone State Park. The Osprey caught an 8~ inch Bluegill just outside the swim area and flew to a dead tree perch in the marsh area. Woodpecker heard drumming. 9/23.
Common Raven 1, Black-throated Green Warbler, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Gray-cheeked Thrush 1 at Linn Run. The Raven and an Accipiter were chasing one another over the hollow, 9/22.
Osprey 1, Great Blue Heron 2+, Cedar Waxwing, American Crow, Turkey Vulture 13+, Chimney Swift, Red-tailed Hawk 4, Carolina Wren, Spotted Sandpiper 1, Common Merganser 5f, Common Yellowthroat, Canada Goose along the Middle Youghiogheny River from Ramcat put-in near Confluence to take-out in Ohiopyle, 9/14.
Osprey 1im at Keystone State Park. Blue Jay, Eastern Towhee, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Gray Catbird, Downy Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Cedar Waxwing, Carolina Wren, House Wren, Yellow-throated Vireo, White-eyed Vireo, Common Yellowthroat, Black-throated Green Warbler, Black and White Warbler, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Song Sparrow, Black-capped Chickadee, American Crow, Eastern Phoebe at the Andrico gamelands north of New Alexandria during a club outing. The Waxwings, Grosbeaks, & Red-bellied Woodpecker were flycatching. 9/12.
Bald Eagle 1a flying low just over the treetops and across the road, then soaring high, over Rt711 south of Ligonier, between Stom Rd and Mansville Rd. A line of six other hawks flying very high heading south. Eastern Bluebird 2 in Black Locust tree in a field beside the Flax Scutching festival in Stahlstown. Great Blue Heron 1, Killdeer 12+, Blue-winged Teal 1 at Donegal Lake, 9/11.
Black-throated Blue Warbler m&f, Hooded Warbler m, Black and White Warbler f, Magnolia Warbler f/i, Canada Warbler f/i, Chipping Sparrow, Ruffed Grouse, Raven on Laurel Summit, 9/7.
Merganser 5f (Red-breasted or Common, seen w/o binocs), Spotted Sandpiper 1, Green Heron 1, American Widgeon 5, Gadwall 1, Chimney Swifts, Turkey Vulture, along the Middle Youghiogheny River from Confluence to Ohiopyle 9/5. Also a male Ruby-spot Damselfly, a dead young Copperhead snake, a live young Black Racer.
Great Blue Heron 2, Osprey 2, Hummingbird 1, Spotted Sandpiper 1, Eastern Wood Pewee h, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Rose-breasted Grosbeak heard squeaking, Cormorant (Double-crested assumed, seen w/o binocs), a flock of Chimney Swift communally bathing in flight on the Kiskiminetas River at the take-out in Avonmore (from a distance the slashing on the river looked like a school of fish jumping for insects) along the Conemaugh & Kiskiminetas Rivers from Conemaugh Dam to Avonmore, 9/4.
Red-tailed Hawk 1im, Kestrel 1m along Baker Rd just east of Westmoreland County Fairgrounds. Peeps 5 (Least Sandpiper?), Solitary Sandpiper 2, Green Heron 1 Killdeer at Mammoth Wetlands. A Screech Owl wailing on Chestnut Ridge, 8/29.
A Black Tern hawking for insects over the lake and perching on a swimming area bouy at Keystone State Park 8/24. Also Great Blue Heron, Green Heron, Belted Kingfisher, Killdeer, Eastern Kingbird, Cedar Waxwing, Osprey, Turkey Vulture, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Barn Swallow.
Turkey Vulture (on ground at RR tracks), Eastern Wood Pewee 3, Raven 1, Pileated Woodpecker h, Northern Oriole h, Common Yellowthroat 3, White-breasted Nuthatch h at Hillside. A Broad-winged Hawk soaring and screaming over Latrobe 6th ward, 8/16.
Spotted Sandpiper 1, Killdeer at the beach at Keystone State Park, 8/15.
Common Nighthawk 2, one diving, in downtown Latrobe. A few hundred Chimney Swift swirling into the Citizens (Mellon) Bank building chimney at dusk, 8/13.
Black Tern 4 overhead at Bush Recreation Area, Loyalhanna Lake. Eastern Kingbird 4+, Cedar Waxwing, Barn Swallow, Killdeer 40, Semipalmated Plover 1, Great Blue Heron 1, Belted Kingfisher 1, Green Heron 2a 3 young in nest at Keystone State Park, 7/31.
Great Blue Heron 4+, Green Heron 4, Belted Kingfisher 6+, Wood Duck 8, Red-tailed Hawk 1, Cedar Waxwing numerous, American Goldfinch, Eastern Wood Pewee 4, Acadian Flycatcher 4, Scarlet Tanager 1, Red-eyed Vireo h, Yellow Warbler h, White-breasted Nuthatch h, Downy Woodpecker h, Yellow-shafted Flicker, Carolina Wren h, Tufted Titmouse h, Great Horned Owl 1, Crow, Spotted Sandpiper 2, Chimney Swift, Indigo Bunting, Louisiana Waterthrush 1 along the Loyalhanna Creek from Kingston Dam to the Oasis bridge near new Alexandria during a 3.5 hour kayak trip, 7/29.
Spotted Sandpiper 2, Common Nighthawk 3, Chimney Swift in downtown Latrobe along the Loyalhanna Creek and over Legion Keener Park. Great Egret 1, Great Blue Heron 1, Green Heron 1, Belted Kingfisher 1 w/crayfish in bill, Grasshopper Sparrow at Mammoth Lake. Also Painted Turtle, Spiny Softshell Turtle, Mink, 7/28.
Chipping Sparrow, Red-eyed Vireo h, Scarlet Tanager 1pr, Black and White Warbler h, Hooded Warbler s&h, Yellow-throated Warbler s/h, Eastern Towhee, Cardinal, Spotted Sandpiper 1 Conemaugh Dam site to Bow Ridge, 7/23.
Accipiter 1, an adult Osprey w/two young in nest, Cedar Waxwing 6+, Willow Flycatcher 1 at Donegal Lake. Hooded Warbler h, Cardinal, Gray Catbird, Wood Thrush, Scarlet Tanager h, Indigo Bunting h, Yellow-shafted Flicker, Blue Jay, Eastern Towhee, Brown Thrasher 2, Field Sparrow 2, Grasshopper Sparrow 1 in woods & field near Latrobe, 7/10.
Mockingbird 1 in treeline behind Arnold Palmer Motors on Rt30, near corner of Walmart parking lot. Acadian Flycatcher, Eastern Phoebe, Indigo Bunting, Gray Catbird along Loyalhanna Creek behind Latrobe Steel, 7/8.
Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Acadian Flycatcher at Twin Lakes County Park during the Arts & Haeritage Festival. Great-crested Flycatcher 2+, Osprey 1a, Eastern Kingbird, Eastern Phoebe w/nest full of young, Great Blue Heron 4+, Indigo Bunting, Flicker, Gray Catbird, White-breasted Nuthatch, Song Sparrow, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Belted Kingfisher w/fish, White-eyed Vireo, Scarlet Tanager, Cedar Waxwing, Eastern Wood Pewee 2+, Acadian Flycatcher, Hairy Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow-breasted Chat singing at night; Loyalhanna Lake. Brown Thrasher 2, American Kestrel 2 along Bush Rd, 7/2.
Mockingbird 2 along Ushcak Rd. Orchard Oriole 2f, 1m by the 'Fishermen! Do Not Park Beyond This Fence' sign near the spillway at the dam at Keystone State Park. Acadian Flycatcher, Blue-winged Warbler, Field Sparrow, Yellow-breasted Chat, Common Yellowthroat (singing from top electrical wire) along Carr Rd, 7/1.
Mockingbird 1, Bobolink 1 singing male along Uschak Rd (T664). Broad-winged Hawk 1, Warbling Vireo 3+, Eastern Kingbird (family in Sycamore Tree by the dock at boat mooring area), Northern Oriole at Keystone State Park. Yellow-billed Cuckoo 1 dead on side of Keystone Park Road. Orchard Oriole, Yellow-breasted Chat, Turkey Vulture along old Slag Road west of Rt981. Louisianna Waterthrush 2, Red-eyed Vireo, Scarlet Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Wood Thrush along Loyalhanna Creek. , 6/30.
Yellow-billed Cuckoo heard at night during the AM hours on Chestnut Ridge, 6/28.
Brown Thrasher 3, Scarlet Tanager, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Common Yellowthroat, Field Sparrow, Wood Thrush, Osprey 1, Great Blue Heron 4, Rough-winged Swallow, Tree Swallow, Barn Swallow, Yellow-breasted Chat 1, American Redstart, Indigo Bunting, Carolina Wren, Eastern Kingbird, Cedar Waxwing, Canada Goose 6a 9im, White Pekin 1, Northern Oriole at Loylhanna Lake. Mockingbird 2 along Derby Town Rd north of Latrobe, 6/26.
Virginia Rail 2-3 at Youngwood Swamp. Black-billed Cuckoo h along Walton Tea Room Rd in Hempfield Township, 6/25.
Black & White Warbler, Ovenbird, Eastern Towhee, Indigo Bunting, Hooded Warbler, Wood Thrush, Common Yellowthroat, American Redstart, Kentucky Warbler, Scarlet Tanager, Whip-poor-will 2-3 on Chestnut Ridge above Derry, off Rod & Gun Rd, 6/24.
Mute Swan at Saint Vincent Lake near Latrobe, 6/23. The swan has been present at the lake since early June.
Grasshopper Sparrow 2, Eastern Meadowlark 2, Chimney Swift, Barn Swallow, Field Sparrow 2, Indigo Bunting 2, American Woodcock in flight in a field near Latrobe, 6/22.
American Kestrel 1 in flight over McFarland Rd north of Latrobe, 6/18.
Orchard Oriole m at Keystone State Park, western edge of field at pavilion No.1, 6/16.
Chimney Swifts, Red-winged Blackbird, Grasshopper Sparrow 2+, Red-tailed Hawk, Brown Thrasher h, Meadowlark h, Field Sparrow h in a field near Latrobe. Cardinal h, Wood Thrush h, Tufted Titmouse h, Eastern Towhee, Scarlet Tanager h in the woods, 6/14.
Killdeer incubating 4 eggs on ground nest. Red-tailed Hawk 2 young branch hopping and taking short flights near nest. Louisiana Waterthrush, Hooded Warbler, American Redstart at Conemaugh River Lake. A Turkey Vulture at roadkill on Livermore Rd, 6/13.
Louisiana Waterthrush 2 adult feeding 2 young, Acadian Flycatcher, Eastern Wood Pewee, also one Beaver, New Alexandria, 6/12.
Broad-winged Hawk 1 soaring, Pileated Woodpecker 1 drumming at Keystone State Park, 6/7.
Yellow-throated Warbler, Northern Parula, Cerulian Warbler, Black and White Warbler, Prairie Warbler, Blue-winged Warbler, Kentucky Warbler, Hooded Warbler, American Redstart, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow Warbler, Wood Thrush, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Indigo Bunting, White-eyed Vireo, Field Sparrow, Chipping Sparrow, Cardinal at West Penn Trail Saltsburg Section and Coaltown Road State Gamelands.Black-throated Blue Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Canada Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, Ovenbird, Hooded Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush, Cedar Waxwing, Red-eyed Vireo, Blue-headed Vireo, Dark-eyed Junco, Hermit Thrush, Veery, Eastern Towhee along Wolf Rocks Trail & Spruce Flats Bog on Laurel Summit, 6/6.
Bald Eagle 1im, Great Blue Heron, Louisiana Waterthrush (adults & fledged young in a railroad cut), Eastern Phoebe (adult & a nest on rock ledge in a railroad cut), Acadian Flycatcher, Eastern Wood Pewee, Ruddy Duck 1m in breeding plumage, Wood Duck 1f walking on the shoreline, Mallard, Spotted Sandpiper 2, Red-headed Woodpecker 1a, Yellow-shafted Flicker, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-throated Warbler singing persistently at the first & second bridges east of bow ridge, one seen; Wood Thrush, Red-tailed Hawk 2a 2 young in/near nest, Turkey Vulture 1, Tree Swallow, Rough-winged Swallow, Osprey 1, Killdeer 1a w/nest+4 eggs , Hooded Warbler, Kentucky Warbler, American Redstart, Cerulean Warbler along West Penn Trail, Conemaugh River Lake.Pileated Woodpecker 1 flying along above & ahead of the car on 10 school rd.
Brown Thrasher 1 on Stevenson Road.
Mockingbird 1 on Shortcut Road.
Warbling Vireo, Red-eyed Vireo, Northern Oriole at nest, Barn Swallow, Tree Swallow, Rough-winged Swallow at Loyalhanna Lake Bush Recreation Area 6/5.
Whip-poor-will 4 heard & seen on Chestnut Ridge above Derry, 5/29.
Double-crested Cormorant 1, Eastern Kingbird 1pr with a nest in a Sycamore Tree at the boat mooring area, Keystone State Park, 5/27.
American White Pelican 1a in breeding plumage (w/bill plate) at Keystone State Park, 5/26. The Pelican was present at the lake from 5/24 to 5/27 when it was last seen at about 10:30AM.
Red-tailed Hawk 2a with young in nest, Spotted Sandpiper, Red-eyed Vireo, Warbling Vireo, Northern Oriole, Rough-winged Swallow, Tree Swallow, Barn Swallow, Chimney Swift, Great Blue Heron, Belted Kingfisher, Yellow Warbler, Cedar Waxwing, Cardinal, Carolina Wren along the Loyalhanna Creek from Kingston Dam to Latrobe during a kayak trip.
Louisiana Waterthrush 1, Spotted Sandpiper 1 along the Loyalhanna Creek in the Chestnut Ridge Gorge, 5/24-5.
Northern Oriole, Mockingbird, Field Sparrow, Chipping Sparrow, Eastern Towhee, Wood Thrush, Red-tailed Hawk, Tree Swallow, Chimney Swift, Blue-winged Warbler, Hooded Warbler, Kentucky Warbler, Ovenbird, White-eyed Vireo, Cedar Waxwing, American Goldfinch, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Robin, Cardinal, Carolina Wren, Gray Catbird, Blue Jay, Eastern Phoebe, Pileated Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker parents feeding young at tree hole; on wooded hills along each side of Walton Tea Room Rd in Hempfield Township. Wildflowers; Rattlesnake Weed, Field Hawkweed, Fire Pink, Pasture Rose. 5/20.
Savannah Sparrow, Bobolink, Mockingbird, Eastern Meadowlark, Grasshopper Sparrow h, Barn Swallow at Hutter Farm along Kecksburg Rd. A Horned Lark performing a larking flight display along Baker Rd west of Mammoth County Park. Two Red-tailed Hawk perched on a wooden powerline pole, basking in the sun drying off after a rain in a field between Trauger & Pollin Farm. An American Kestrel along Rt981 between Pleasant Unity and Trauger, 5/18.
Killdeer nest with three eggs along railroad tracks in downtown Latrobe, 5/17. The nest contained 2 eggs on 5/16. The nest had one egg on 5/14. The eggs were being incubated on 5/18. The eggs were gone and the nest abandoned on 5/20.
Two Kingfisher burrows in the Loyalhanna Creek bank beside the railroad trestle at Legion Keener Park, behind the Latrobe Pattern Co. K-cast building where a retaining wall has collapsed. Rough-winged Swallows might be using the burrows.
Sora Rail, Virginia Rail at St. Vincent wetlands #2, 5/15.
Broad-winged Hawk 1 soaring, Greater Yellowlegs, White-eyed Vireo, Osprey, Killdeer at Keystone State Park. Common Nighthawk, Belted Kingfisher in Latrobe, 5/9.
Osprey, Greater Yellowlegs, Killdeer, Eastern Kingbird at Keystone State Park. The Yellowlegs was catching small fish at the swimming beach shoreline. Common Nighthawk in Latrobe, 5/8.
Wood Thrush 2, Rose-breasted Grosbeak 1m, Hooded Warbler h, Brown Thrasher 1, Grasshopper Sparrow h, Wild Turkey 1 perched in tree, west of Latrobe 5/7.
Cerulean Warbler, Hooded Warbler, Black & White Warbler, Indigo Bunting h, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher h, Turkey Vulture, Hummingbird feeding at wild Columbines in Loyalhanna Creek gorge thru Chestnut Ridge, Rt30. All the warblers were singing males, 5/6.
Virginia Rail 2 at St. Vincent wetlands #3, 5/5.
Northern Oriole, Yellow-throated Vireo at Conemaugh Damsite Park, 5/4.
Warbling Vireo, Virginia Rail heard at St. Vincent wetlands #3, 5/3.
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 3+m, Wood Thrush, Scarlet Tanager, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Yellow-shafted Flicker 1f, Northern Oriole 3+, Eastern Phoebe (nest w/eggs) at Braddocks Trail Park (North Huntingdon Township), 4/29.
Rough-winged Swallow, Barn Swallow, Tree Swallow, Osprey, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler, Hooded Warbler, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Gray Catbird at Twin Lakes County Park, 4/27.
Green Heron 1, Spotted Sandpiper 1, Gray Catbird 1h, Yellow Warbler 2h, House Wren 1h, Belted Kingfisher 2, Rough-winged Swallow, Chimney Swift in Latrobe & along Creekside Trail. Kingfisher have a couple burrows dug high on an industrial refuse pile behind Latrobe Steel along Loyalhanna Creek. 4/26.
Two Raven nests, one with 3 young, the other nest with 4 young. Black-throated Green Warbler, singing males. Laurel Ridge, 4/24.
Osprey 1 at Keystone State Park. The Osprey caught a 9~ inch Largemouth Bass. Chimney Swifts 12-15 in Latrobe. Winter Wren 1 singing, Broad-winged Hawk 1, Green Heron 1, Osprey 2, Rough-winged Swallow 2 at Twin Lakes County Park. An Osprey caught a fish at the lower lake then perched in a tree on the adjacent wooded hilltop. 4/18.
Cormorant 1, Trumpeter Swan 1, Belted Kingfisher 4+, Osprey 1+, Red-tailed Hawk, Rough-winged Swallow, Tree Swallow, Brown Thrasher 1, Great Horned Owl harrassed by Crows, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Pileated Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker, Wild Turkey, Wood Duck, Mallard, Canada Goose, Pied-billed Grebe, Carolina Wren along the Loyalhanna Creek from Latrobe to New Alexandria, 4/17.
Vesper Sparrow singing in field by Monastery Drive (St Vincent College area). Osprey 2+, Double-crested Cormorant 5, Bufflehead 1pr at Keystone State Park. In a 2 hour 15 minute period four fish were caught by Osprey. Brown Thrasher 1m singing, Eastern Bluebird 1m singing, Meadowlark, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker, Red-tailed Hawk, Cardinal, Eastern Towhee west of Latrobe, 4/16.
Rough-winged Swallow over the Loyalhanna Creek in Latrobe, 4/14.
Kestrel 1m along Monastery Dr near the high railroad bridge, Latrobe. Bonaparte's Gull 1, Greater Yellowlegs 2, Barn Swallow 1, Tree Swallow 2, Meadowlark 2, Rusty Blackbird 1m singing, Red-winged Blackbird, Common Grackle, Grayleg (Barnyard) Goose, White Pekin (Farm) Duck at Mammoth County Park & downstream at Klaka Farm wetlands, 4/15.
Louisiana Waterthrush 1, Ruffed Grouse 1 at gamelands 42 near New Florence, 4/10.
Bufflehead 10, Ring-billed Gull 19 (3 on water, 16 in flight), American Widgeon 9+, Red-breasted Merganser groups of 42 (5 male) & 15, Common Loon 14 (12 in adult breeding plumage, some vocal) together in a tight group, Double-crested Cormorant 10 (one with white crests (plumes)), Pied-billed Grebe 9, Hooded Merganser 4f, Greater Scaup 2f 1m, Ring-necked Duck 32, Shoveller 1pr, Blue-winged Teal 6m 3f, Black Duck 2, Osprey 1, Turkey Vulture 2+, Wild Turkey heard gobbling, Ruffed Grouse heard drumming, Great Blue Heron 15~ , Belted Kingfisher 4 (much rattling & chasing, a pair pecking at different spots on dirt bank opposite the Austraw Road overlook, deciding where to start a burrow), Red-tailed Hawk in nest , Golden-crowned Kinglets at Latrobe Reservoir Thursday 4/8.
Osprey 1, Double-crested Cormorant 1a, Great Egret 1, Red-breasted Merganser 1pr, American Widgeon 1m, Belted Kingfisher 1pr, Tree Swallow 12+, Canada Goose, Mallard, Domestic Mallard, White Pekin Duck at Keystone State Park, 4/6.
Red-tailed Hawk one nest-sitting 4/3.
Eastern Towhee, Tree Swallow, Osprey 1, Great Blue Heron 3, Eastern Phoebe 1, Red-tailed Hawk, Turkey Vulture 3+, Yellow-shafted Flicker, Downy Woodpecker, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Tree Sparrow, Black-capped Chickadee, White-breasted Nuthatch, Tufted Titmouse, Killdeer, American Crow, Mallard, Wood Duck, Canada Goose at Loyalhanna Lake. Bufflehead 1m 2f, Red-breasted Merganser 2m 3f, Tree Swallow 12, Eastern Bluebird 2, Killdeer at Keystone State Park, 3/26.
Ring-billed Gull 3, Bonaparte's Gull 2, Ring-necked Duck 12~, Blue-winged Teal 1m, Mallard, Canada Goose, Eastern Phoebe 1, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker, Tufted Titmouse, Blue Jay, Red-tailed Hawk 1, Crows at Keystone State Park. Accipiter (Cooper's?) 1a perched atop a light pole in parking lot of Roomful Express Rt30 east Greensburg, 3/20.
Trumpeter Swan 1im, Great Blue Heron 5, Hooded Merganser 1pr, Common Merganser 3m 7f at Loyalhanna Lake. Bald Eagle 3 (2a 1im), Hooded Merganser 4m 4f, Gull (Ring-billed) 50~ at Beaver Run Reservoir, 3/14.
Bufflehead 4m, Red-breasted Merganser 4m, Common Goldeneye 1pr, Ring-necked Duck 30, Hooded Merganser 1pr, Scaup 4m, Great Horned Owl1 vocal at 3 pm, Great Blue Heron 5 at Latrobe Reservoir 3/13. The reservoir is totally ice free.
Eastern Phoebe, 2 have arrived at a spot where they nest on rock ledges
beside a stream. Red-tailed Hawk, a pair perched near a nest. They are spending more time near the nest, sometime soon eggs will be laid. Red-bellied Woodpecker Hairy Woodpecker at Loyalhanna Lake Kiski Group Campground. Bufflehead 1m, Wood Duck 1pr, Downy Woodpecker, Eastern Bluebird overhead, Killdeer 2, Bush Recreation Area. Ring-necked Duck several dozen in Mannitto pond. 34 deer along Bush Rd, 3/9.
Migrating flocks of Tundra Swan 50~ overhead, Gulls (Ring-billed) 40~ overhead at Conemaugh River Lake, another flock of Gulls (Ring-billed) 75~ overhead at New Derry, 3/7. Wood Frogs & some Spring Peepers vocal.
Gadwall 1pr, Ring-billed Gull 2, Mallards, Canada Geese at Saint Vincent Lake, Latrobe. Scaup 2m 1f, Ring-necked Duck 5m 2f , Horned Grebe 1, Common Merganser 11m 7f, Wood Duck 1 heard, Mallards, Canada Geese, Red-shouldered Hawk 1, Red-tailed Hawk 2 at Loyalhanna Lake. Great Horned Owl on nest, Kestrel 1 west of Crabtree, 3/6.
Ring-necked Duck several dozen, Redhead Duck 1m, Scaup 6, Hooded Merganser 4m, Mallards, Great Blue Heron 1, Red-tailed Hawk 3 at Latrobe Reservoir in Ligonier Valley. The reservoir is ice covered except for some open water at the northern end. Raven 2, Red-tailed Hawk 2, Turkey Vulture 1 at Linn Run. Turkey Vulture 30+ over Rt30 at Idlewild Park, 3/5.
Gadwall 1pr, Pintail 4m 2f, Scaup 30~, Ringneck Duck 30~, Common Merganser 33m 17f, Ring-billed Gull 9 fly-by at Loyalhanna Lake Bush Recreation Area 3/4.
Common Merganser 33m 12f at Loyalhanna Lake Bush Recreation Area, 2/29.
Raven 2, Pileated Woodpecker heard on Laurel Summit. Tree branches chewed by Porcupine. Two dog sledders, with 8 and 10 dog teams, were running Summit Road, 2/28. A 15-20 inch snow base remains on the summit.
Crow 1 heard, tree bark chewed off by Porcupine at Wolf Rocks. Black-capped Chickadees along Edie-Rector Rd. A Red-tailed Hawk being harrassed by two Crow near Rt30. A Red-tailed Hawk carrying a stick over Kingston Dam along Rt 30. A dog sledder with 9 dog team running Laurel Summit Rd, 2/26.
Raven have constructed new nests at a site on Laurel Ridge. A dog sledder with 6 dog team running Summit Road, 2/22.
Kestrel 5, Red-tailed Hawk 5, Northern Harrier 1 along backroads (Onega, Sessi, St. Xavier's, Earhart) from Beatty Crossroads at Rt30 to Airport Rd at Rt981, 2/15.
American Kestrel 1m at the Pandora Road and Stewart Road intersection northwest of the village of Pandora. Red-tailed Hawk 2, Field Sparrow 1, White-throated Sparrow, Downy Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Yellow-shafted Flicker, Pileated Woodpecker (heard), Raven 1 fly-by, Black-capped Chickadee, White-breasted Nuthatch, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Cardinal, Crow, Great Horned Owl 1 heard, Golden-crowned Kinglet heard on the Davis Run Trail system at Keystone State Park, 2/10.
Killdeer 2, Eastern Bluebird 10 along Onega Rd (south of Rt30-Beatty Crossroad) . Kestrel 1 along Earhart Rd. Great Blue Heron, Red-tailed Hawk at Loyalhanna Lake, 2/9.
Red-tailed Hawk circling over field near Buttermilk Falls in Indiana County, West Wheatfield Township. Sharp-shinned Hawk over Rt22 on Penn View Hill, Indiana County. Kestrel on wire along Stevenson Rd in Derry Township. Kestrel along Gears Hill Rd, Great Horned Owl in nest, Red-tailed Hawk at farmland west of Crabtree. Field Sparrow in wetland remnants of an old beaver pond at Keystone State Park, 2/8.
Robins 3 in Latrobe, 2/7.
Snow Goose 2 (light phase & dark (blue) phase), Black Duck 6, Mallard, Canada Goose, Coot 3 at Derry Lake. A Hermit Thrush near the beaver pond at Barchesky Road access, on the old bridle trail at Keystone State Park. A Short-eared Owl seen between 5:30 & 6 PM from the intersection of Sherwood Dr & Gears Hill Rd in farmlands west of crabtree, 2/4.
Red-tailed Hawk 2, Kestrel 1f, Mockingbird 2, Carolina Wren 1, Great Blue Heron 1 overhead, Cardinals along Earhart Rd west of Westmoreland (Arnold Palmer) Regional Airport. Also an Opossum in a field along St Xavier's Rd. Carolina Wren 2, Winter Wren 1, Belted Kingfisher 1m, Great Blue Heron (fresh tracks in snow on ice) along Loyalhanna Creek in Latrobe, 2/2.
Raven 1, Red-tailed Hawk 3+, Cooper's Hawk 2 (1im 1a), Kestrel 1, Northern Harrier (1a m), Turkey Vulture 1, Common Snipe 1, White-crowned Sparrows, Cardinals, Mockingbird along Earhart Rd west of Westmoreland County Regional Airport. Also one Red Fox. American Kestrel 1 along Monastary Drive - Grove Road, 2/1.
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Black-capped Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, Cardinal, Downy Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker (heard), Yellow-shafted Flicker, Crow, White-throated Sparrow, White-breasted Nuthatch (heard) at Keystone State Park during a Westmoreland County Bird and Nature Club outing. Horned Lark (dozens in manured field), Brewers Blackbird 3 (1m 2f), Brown-headed Cowbirds (1m 4f), Water Pipit 1, Starlings, House Sparrows, Rock Doves at Helen Road farm west of Crabtree. Great Horned Owl on nest. American Kestrel 1, Red-tailed Hawk 1+, Merlin 1 (seen a couple times flying fast over the fields), Rough-legged Hawk 1 (light morph, in flight & perched), Northern Harrier 3 (1 f/im, 2a m), Cooper's Hawk 1, Mockingbird, Cardinals, White-crowned Sparrows along Earhart Road west of Westmoreland (Arnold Palmer) Regional Airport.1/31.
Northern Harrier 3 (2im & 1a m), Rough-legged Hawk 2 (sometimes flying & hovering together), Red-tailed Hawk 2, American Kestrel 1f, Mockingbird 1 in the fields along Earhart & St. Xavier's roads west of Westmoreland Airport, 1/29.
American Kestrel 2, Northern Harrier 2 (1 adult male, 1 immature), Rough-legged Hawk 1, Red-tailed Hawk 1, Mockingbird 1, White-throated Sparrow, Song Sparrow in fields along St Xavier's Road (TR890) & Earhart Rd (TR890) west of Westmoreland County Airport, Latrobe, 1/28.
West of Westmoreland Airport near Latrobe, at the intersection of St Xavier's Road (TR890) & Earhart Rd (TR890) between 3 & 3:30 pm; Northern Harrier 2 (1im 1adult male), Merlin 1, Rough-legged Hawk 1 (light phase), Red-tailed Hawk 1. An American Kestrel was perched on a wire along Rt981 near the entrance to the airport. Later, along the Loyalhanna Creek in downtown Latrobe: Belted Kingfisher 1m at Legion Keener park. While x-skiing the border ice along the Loyalhanna Creek parallel to Creekside Trail: Winter Wren 3, 1/26.
At least one adult White-crowned Sparrow with House Sparrows at a farm on Stevenson Rd in Derry Township.
In Indiana County: Carolina Wren, Rock Doves at the Conemaugh River Dam site; Black-capped Chickadee, Dark-eyed Juncoe, Tufted Titmouse, White-throated Sparrow, White-breasted Nuthatch at Buttermilk Falls, 1/24.
Northern Harrier, 1 richly colored juvenile hunting & resting in fields beside St. Xavier's Cemetery just west of the airport (St Xavier's Rd, Earhart Rd TR890). Kestrel, 1 that made a harrassing pass at the harrier. Red-tailed Hawk 2, one in downtown Latrobe perched in a Sycamore tree near the stone arch railroad bridge. The other red-tail was over the same field as the harrier. Accipiter 2, one flew low over rt30 at McDonalds, veering away from a car that almost hit it. The other accipiter was eating a small rodent on a roadside log on St Xavier's Rd. Mockingbird, 1 in same area as the harrier off Earhart Rd. Tree Sparrows, White-crowned Sparrows, a mixed flock of along Earhart Rd. Winter Wren, 1 along Loyalhanna Creek in Latrobe by creekside trail. Carolina Wren, 2 flitting about the pavilions & playland in Legion Keener Park downtown Latrobe, 1/23.
Rough-legged Hawk 1, Northern Harrier 1, Short-eared Owl 1, Great Horned Owl 1 in nest, Red-tailed Hawk 4, American Kestrel 3, Tufted Titmouse, Mockingbird in farmland west of Crabtree, 1/21.
Pileated Woodpecker 1m 1f, Yellow-shafted Flicker 1m, Hairy Woodpecker 1f, Downy Woodpeckers, White-throated Sparrows, Song Sparrows, Swamp Sparrow 1, Field Sparrow 1, Yellow-rumped Warblers, Chickadee, Cardinal, Eastern Bluebird 5, American Crows at Keystone State Park. American Kestrel on wire along rt981 reclaimmed stripmine, 1/20.
One Ring-billed Gull at Derry Lake, 1/19.
Mockingbird 1, Eastern Bluebird 4, American Goldfinch, Red-bellied Woodpecker 1m, Song Sparrow 6+, Field Sparrow 1, Hermit Thrush 1 at Keystone State Park, 1/18.
Carolina Wren 4 along Loyalhanna Creek, Latrobe, 1/17.
Eastern Towhee 1m & 1f at birdseed in yard in Latrobe, 1/15-17.
Golden-crowned Kinglet 2 at Loyalhanna Lake, 1/7.
A Pintail (m) flying with Mallards, Tree Sparrows at Conemaugh River Lake, 1/6.
Great Horned Owl (one heard), Ruffed Grouse (one flushed) in woods west of Latrobe, 1/2.
Three Red-tailed Hawks circling together over 6th ward in Latrobe, 1/1.