2011 - Bird sightings in Westmoreland County, southwestern Pennsylvania
Bird sightings, & more, in Westmoreland County, southwestern Pennsylvania
~~~ Year 2011 ~~~
Some bird sightings
m=male, f=female, pr=pair (1 male + 1 female), a=adult, im=immature, f/i=female or immature, b=breeding (summer) plumage, n=non-breeding (winter or basic) plumage, h=heard, s=seen, oh=overhead. An underlined entry means the sighting is somehow special, first of season, unusual, noteworthy; locally or regionally uncommon/rare, out-of-season, out-of-range, extralimital, etc.
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Merlin 1, in flight chasing birds low to the ground, and perched, along Creekside Trail, Legion Keener Park, Latrobe. Louisianna Waterthrush 4 in Loyalhanna Gorge, 4/14.
Blue Gray Gnatcatcher 1 at Wendover, Greensburg, 4/11.
Bald Eagle 1a, Blue Gray Gnatcatcher h, Conemaugh River Lake, West Penn Trail, 4/10.
Red-winged Blackbird, Tree Swallows, Rusty Blackbird 3, Swamp Sparrow 2, Wilson's Snipe 1 at Saint Vincent Wetlands. Barn Swallows elsewhere nearby, 4/7.
Turkey Vulture, Osprey, Sharp-shinned Hawk, American Coot, Tree Swallow, Eastern Meadowlark, Wood Duck at Mammoth County Park and nearby. Pileated Woodpecker, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Great Horned Owl on nest near Greensburg, 4/6.
Cormorant 1 (Double-crested), Ring-billed Gull 1, Rough-winged Swallow 1, Wood Duck 20, Eastern Towhee 2 (m,f), Canada Goose on nest, Latrobe area. The Cormorant was seen flying over Center Drive, Ring-billed Gull over Latrobe Thirty Plaza (Rt30), Rough-winged Swallow over Loyalhanna Creek at the Lloyd Ave (Rt981) bridge; Wood Duck, Towhee, Goose nest at Saint Vincent Lake and wetlands, 4/5.
Great Horned Owl on nest, Screech Owl 1 red phase, Eastern Towhee. The screech owl was perched in the cavity of a Beech tree in Nature Park. American Kestrel 2 perched on wire along Rt30, across the highway from Wimmerton, 3/31.
Osprey 1, Pied-billed Grebe 1, Canada Goose 13, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Brown Creeper 2, White-breasted Nuthatch, Eastern Bluebird 2, Eastern Phoebe 1 at Keystone State Park. Common Merganser 8 (5m 3f), Bald Eagle 1a, Osprey 1, Accipiter 1 (Sharp-shinned?), Turkey Vulture at Loyalhanna Lake Bush Recreation Area. Red-shouldered Hawk 1 along Bush Rd at Mannitto Golf course. American Kestrel 1m along Latimer Lane near Keystone State Park. American Woodcock 1 peenting and display flight at dusk along Slag Rd, Keystone State Park. Also Pickerel Frog heard, Snapping Turtle 1 basking, Keystone State Park, 3/26.
Great Horned Owl 2a, Eastern Phoebe 1, Greensburg. One adult Great Horned Owl on nest, the other owl on a branch near the nest, 3/24.
Eastern Towhee, Great Blue Heron 6, Little Sewickley Creek Hermine to Cowansburg. Also Snow Trillium, Hepatica blooming, 3/23.
Turkey Vulture 6+, Northern Watersnake, Garter Snake at Loyalhanna Creek Gorge in Chestnut Ridge, 3/21.
Eastern Phoebe 1h in Wendover, near Greensburg, 3/18.
American Widgeon 3 (2m, 1f) on the pond at Unity Township Municipal Park, near RT30 Beatty Crossroads. Canada Goose on nest at Saint Vincent Wetlands #1. Spring Peepers chorusing. First day of nice spring weather of the season, 3/17.
Turkey Vulture 1 at Twin Lakes County Park, 3/4.
Turkey Vulture 1 in flight over Blairsville, 3/2.
Herring Gull 1 fly-by over Latrobe Plaza Rt30, 2/28.
Yellowlegs 1 (Greater?), Common Grackle at Mammoth Lake, Mammoth County Park, 2/27.
Raven 2 in Latrobe, one landed briefly on the side of the stone arch railroad bridge over the Loyalhanna Creek, then both landed briefly atop the Chestnut Ridge Beverage building (formerly LeNature's), then flying east, following the Loyalhanna Creek, 2/24.
Killdeer 1 fly-by over Greensburg. Screech Owl 2h, Great Horned Owl h in Ann Rudd Saxman Nature Park, 2/22.
Raven active at local nest site, one sitting in the nest, one carrying a stick to the nest, 2/18.
Bald Eagle 1a, Turkey Vulture 1, Twin Lakes County Park, 2/17.
Kestrel 1, Red-tailed Hawk 3, Crow, Great Blue Heron 3, Common Merganser 7, Bald Eagle 1 im, Loyalhanna Lake Bush Recreation Area, 2/12.
Chickadee, Ruffed Grouse 1, Raven 10,and Snow Fly insects crawling about on the snow, Laurel Summit, Jacob E Miller Rd and Wolf Rocks Trail, 1/30.
Robin 3 at Wendover, outside Greensburg PA, 1/12 and 1/13.