Checklist of Birds for Westmoreland County, PA WBNC

Westmoreland County Bird Checklist


Prepared by the Westmoreland County Bird and Nature Club


Checklist completed June 1997

Updated as of February 2008

Bird Checklist Symbols

BS=Breeding Status, SP=Spring, SU=Summer, F=Fall, W=Winter

Migratory Status
PR - Permanent ResidentI - IntroducedSR - Summer ResidentE - Exptirpated
WV - Winter VisitorA - AccidentalT - Transient? - Status Undetermined

Because Westmoreland County Pennsylvania is comprised of two clearly delineated physiographic regions, both with some unique breeding residents, we have identified them with the following symbols.

Breeding Status (BS)

* - species found breeding county wide
M - species restricted to the mountains, in some cases confined to the highest elevations of laurel ridge.
L - species confined during breeding season to the lowlands; roughly, the western two-thirds of the county, part of a larger physiolographic region known as the Pittsburgh plateau.

Seasonal Abundance

a = abundant - usually seen in large groups or numbers.
c = common - easily found in small numbers in appropiate habitat.
fc = fairly common - careful search will usually reveal a few in appropiate habitat.
u = uncommon - infrequently observed, even with careful search in appropiate habitat.
r = rare - might be found, but often goes unrecorded during any given season.
vr = very rare - reasonably expected to occur again, but not on a predictable basis.
x = accidental - recorded, but not necessarily expected to be seen again because of its usual range.

PNR - Powdermill Nature Reserve & banding station (website)
PORC - Pennsylvania Ornithological Records Committee (1988) (website)
NAMC - North American Migration Count (1992) (website)
SAP - Special Areas Project (website)
SGL - State Gamelands (PA Game Commission) (website)
# - listing updated since 1997, as another species entry or additional remarks

Westmoreland County, southwestern PA.
Bird Checklist
Loon, Red-Throated -T-r-r-Beaver Run Res, Apr 14 1996. Ethel Lake in Derry, Nov 22 1996. Latrobe Res (1), Nov 8 1997. Ethel Lake in Derry (1), Dec 18-21 2001. Donegal Lake (1), Apr 2 2004. Donegal Lake (1), Nov 14 2006. Ethel Lake in Derry (1), Mar 12 2008.
Loon, Common -T-uru-Numerous non-breeding summer records from the mountains.
#Grebe, Red-necked -T-r-r-Donegal Lake, Apr 30 1996. Tailwater of Conemaugh River Dam (1) , Mar 5 2003. Loyalhanna Lake Bush Recreation Area, Mar 9 2003; extensive ice cover on the Great Lakes forced Red-necked Grebes southward in late winter of 2003. Twin Lakes (1), Mar 27 1994. Donegal Lake (1), Apr 11 1994.
Grebe, Horned -T-u-ur-
Grebe, Eared-A-x---Trout Run Reservoir (Latrobe Res), Apr 6 1994.
Grebe, Western-A-x--xBeaver Run Reservoir, Dec 17 1995, not accepted by PORC
Grebe, Pied Billed -T*fcvrfcuNested at Donegal Lake 1968.
Storm-Petrel, Wilson's -A-----Specimen (now lost) from Greensburg before 1907.
Frigatebird, Magnificent -A----xNew Kensington, Oct 3 1956.
#Pelican, American White -A-x---Keystone State Park Lake (1), May 23-27 2004.
#Cormorant, Double-crested -T-uru-Breeding anticipated. Partially completed nest at Trout Run (Latrobe Res) 1995. Conemaugh River Lake is a location where possible breeding attempts could occur.
Bittern, American -T-u-u-Threatened in PA.
#Bittern, Least -T-fvr--June record near Herminie. Loyalhanna Creek near Latrobe, May 5 1973. Sewickley Creek wetlands, May 1995 & June 12 1995. Saint Vincent Wetlands, May 12 2005. PNR, May 19 1999. PNR, Oct 5 2007. Breeding unconfirmed. Threatened in PA.
Heron, Great Blue -SR*cfccuFour heronry sites have been found in the county.
Egret, Great -T-rr---
Heron, Little Blue -A---vr-Several along Loyalhanna Creek, Jul 19 1930.
#Egret, Cattle -T-vrvrvr-Several scattered records. Near PNR, Apr 24 1984. Mammoth wetlands (Klaka Farm) (1), Apr 25 1981. Ethel Lake in Derry (1), Nov 2 1984. Turner's Pond, Apr 19 1996. Just outside the county in field off Auen Rd near Conemaugh Dam (10), Apr 24 2006.
Egret, Snowy -A-x---Trout Run Reservoir (Latrobe Res), April 16 1997.
Heron, Tricolored -A-x---Near Beaver Run Reservoir, Apr 28 1994.
Heron, Green -SR*fccfc--
Night-Heron, Black-crowned -SR-rrr- Jack's Run near Youngwood Swamp (1 adult in breeding plumage), Apr 3 1989. Keystone State Park (1 1st yr), Aug 16 1999. Mammoth Park, Jul 27 2004. Keystone State Park, Jul 28 2004.
Night-Heron, Yellow-crowned -A-vrvrx-Several spring & summer records for PNR & Latrobe. Threatened in PA.
Ibis, Glossy -A-x---Donegal Lake (1), Apr 29 1983.
Swan, Tundra -T-c-cr-
#Swan, Mute -PRLccccVery local. Wild status questionable. Resident at Ethel Lake in Derry. Occassionally show up at other bodies of water, Keystone State Park (2) & Conemaugh River Lake (4) in 2007.
#Swan, Trumpeter -A-x---Acme, Mammoth & Mt Pleasant (5), Mar 15-23 1994. Latrobe Res (6), Jan 26 1998. Ethel Lake in Derry (1), Dec 21 - 23 2000. Saint Vincent Wetlands (1 adult collared), Dec 18 2002; (3), Dec 19 2002. Immature (1) continued at Saint Vincent Wetlands, Feb 11 2003. Saint Vincent Wetlands (3 collared), reported several weeks prior, Jan 13 2003. During NAMC, May 13 2006.
#Goose, Greater White-fronted -A-x---Trout Run (Latrobe Res), March 11 - April 2 1996; Latrobe Res, Feb 2 1999. Conemaugh River at Saltsburg (2), Mar 1-2 2004. Donegal Lake (2), Mar 22 2004. Donegal Lake (5), Feb 22 2005. Twin Lakes County Park (2), Feb 26 - Mar 1 2007.
Goose, Snow (White/Blue) -T-rxrrOne lingered in the Ligonier Valley a few summers. Scattered reports of singles, pairs, or small groups usually numbering less than a dozen. The bulk of the Snow Goose migration occurs to the east. Tens of thousands to over one hundred thousand stopover at Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area in Lancaster County, southeastern PA. In the 2nd week of March 2007 an estimated 180,000 Snow Geese staged at Middle Creek.
#Goose, Ross' -T-rxrrFarm pond at Luxor near Twin Lakes County Park (1), Oct 20-24 1999, Dec 26 1999. Beaver Run Res Rt380 crossover (1), Jan 1 2000.
Goose, Canada -T,PR*acacBoth transient & resident populations. Gatherings of resident Canada Goose can become a nuisance at public parks, resulting in controversial Goose control actions.
#Goose, Cackling -T-----Donegal Lake, Feb 15 2005.
#Goose, Richardson's (subspecies) T*----Donegal Lake, Feb 22 2005.
#Goose, Egyptian -A*----One continued at a farm pond at Luxor and nearby Twin Lakes County Park, Oct 25 1999. Ethel Lake in Derry, Feb 5 2000. Twin Lakes County Park, Feb 23 2002.
#Brant -A---vrxPNR & Donegal Lake. New Kensington, Jan 1957. Yough River at Boston (1), Jan 1 2002.
Whistling Duck, Black-bellied -A-x---Loyalhanna Reservoir (3), Jun 9-22 1993.
Duck, Wood -SR*cccr-
Teal, Green-winged -T-u-ur-
Duck, American Black -PRLfcufcuLocally common in early winter, especially at Trout Run (Latrobe Res). A few usually overwinter at Ethel Lake in Derry.
Mallard -PR*acac-
Pintail, Northern -T-u-ur-
Teal, Blue-Winged -T-fcrfc--
Teal, Cinnamon -A-x---Mammoth & Donegal, Apr 27-May 31 1985.
Shoveler, Northern -T-r-r--
Gadwall -T-ururAppearing more frequently in the fall.
Widgeon, American -T-fc-fcr-
#Widgeon, Eurasian -T*----Beaver Run Reservoir near Trees Mills, Mar 25 2005.
Canvasback -T-u-ur-
Redhead -T-u-ur-
Duck, Ring-necked -T-c-cr-
Scaup, Greater -T-r,u-r,u-Often found with careful inspection in flocks of Lesser Scaup.
Scaup, Lesser -T-c-cr-
Oldsquaw -T-u-ur-
Scoter, Black -T-r-r-Ethel Lake in Derry (4), Nov. 9 1996. Latrobe Res (25 - 2 adult male, the rest female &/or 1st year), Nov 8 1997. Ethel Lake in Derry (16), Oct 30 2002. Donegal Lake (1 female), Dec 22 2007.
Scoter, Surf -T-r-r-Ethel Lake in Derry (1), Nov. 10 1996. Ethel Lake in Derry, (4 - 1 adult male, 3 female/1st year), Nov 9 1997. Trout Run (Latrobe Res) (1), Mar 25 2002.
Scoter, White-winged -T-r-r-Ethel Lake in Derry (4 - 2 adult male, 2 female/1st year), Nov 9 1997. Latrobe Res (3 - 2m 1f), Apr 20 1999.
Goldeneye, Common -T-fc-uuA late winter, early spring migrant.
Bufflehead -T-fc-fcr-
#Merganser, Hooded T*fcrurUncommon nester. Nesting in boxes at Saint Vincent Wetlands 2007 and prior years.
Merganser, Common -WV-r-rrTo be looked for on rivers & lakes in winter. Possible nesting attempts on Conemaugh River 2007, New Florence to Blairsville. Reliably seen at Loyalhanna Lake Bush Recreation Area and on parts of the Youghiogheny River, late winter, Feb to Mar.
Merganser, Red-breasted -T-fc-rr-
Duck, Ruddy -T-c-fcr-
#Vulture, Black -A-xxxxExport, May 9 2003. Keystone State Park (1), July 8 2007. Stahlstown (4), Jan. 28 2008. Seen from Rt711 between Ligonier & Stahlstown (2), Feb 18 2008.
Vulture, Turkey -SR*ccc-Most numerous along the ridges and river gorges, where they gather at high elevation rock outcrops. In autumn kettles of 50-100 can form.
Kite, American Swallow-tailed -A--x--Trout Run Reservoir, Jun 22 1991.
#Kite, Mississippi -A--x--Two overhead at Keystone State Park during a PSO Conference Outing, May 20 2006.
#Osprey -SRLuuu-First nesting 1995 at Loyalhanna Lake. Donegal Lake nesting since 2001. Successfully re-introduced. Increasing. Arrive in March or April, depart by October or November.
#Eagle, Bald -PR,T-r-r-One in Ligonier area, Sep 13 1992. Nesting at Beaver Run Reservoir since 2003. Increasing.
Harrier, Northern -SR*rrur-
Hawk, Sharp-shinned -SR*uufcu-
Hawk, Cooper's -PR*uufcu-
Goshawk, Northern -WV,TMrvrrrHas nested irregularly at Laurel Summit Bog. Mutual (1), Mar 18 2000.
Hawk, Red-shoulder -PR*uuur-
Hawk, Broad-winged -SR*fcfcfc--
Hawk, Swainson's -A---x-Jacob's Creek, Sept 5 1901.
Hawk, Red-tailed -PR*cccc-
Hawk, Rough-legged -WV-r-rrGrassland species - farmland, reclaimed stripmines.
Eagle, Golden -T,WV-r-rrMannitto Lake 1 imm, Apr 2 1994. Mammoth County Park (1), Nov 17 1999. One imm present a couple weeks in Ligonier Valley north of Ligonier, Feb 21 2008. Golden Eagle will overwinter in sparsely populated areas of Appalachia where they are easily overlooked. Their dark coloration makes them difficult to see perched in trees or in flight against a background of wooded hillside.
Kestrel, American -PR*fcfcfcuGrassland species - farmland, reclaimed stripmines, industrial brownfields, sports stadiums.
Merlin -T-r-r-Latrobe Res (1), Apr 20 1999. Downtown Latrobe (1 female/imm), Nov 18 - Dec 20 2000. Along Earhart Road west of Westmoreland (Arnold Palmer) Regional Airport (1), Jan 31; Earhart Rd (2), Jan 30; Earhart Rd (1), Jan 26 2004. Stahlstown, Sep 1 2005.
#Falcon, Peregrine -E-r-r-Keystone State Park (1 fly-by), Aug 7 2001. Jan 21 2005 Herminie. Keystone State Park (1 low fly-by), Oct 1 2007. Nesting at Catherdral Of Learning & Gulf Tower in downtown Pittsburgh. Increasing. W. E. Clyde Todd's book 'Birds of Western Pennsylvania' (1940) makes mention of Peregrine Falcon nesting on a rock ledge in Jacobs Creek gorge in 1914, Westmoreland County.
Pheasant, Ring-necked -I,PR*uuuuSuffering a long-term decline. Most sightings are of released birds.
Grouse, Ruffed -PR*fcfcfcfcCyclic population highs & lows.
Turkey, Wild -PR*ccccDramatic increase in the 1980's-90's.
Bobwhite, N. -E,I,PR*rrrrMost sightings are of released pen-raised birds.
#Crane, Sandhill -A-xxxxBig Sewickley Creek near Madison, Apr 30 1997. Near Westmoreland County Fair Grounds (1), Apr 21-22 1999. Conemaugh River Lake near Livermore (1), Oct - Nov 2002. Murrysville, Feb 22 2004. Overwintering at Ethel Lake in Derry (1), mid-Dec 2007 - Mar 2008. Will feed in corn fields.
Rail, King -T-vr-x-One collected in Rector, Nov 6 1929. Youngwood Swamp 1, May 20 1984. Endangered in PA.
Rail, Clapper -A---x-Found dead in Latrobe, Sept 13 1988. Specimen in the Carnegie Museum.
Sora -SR*uru--
Rail, Yellow -A---x-One found dead, Laurel Hill, Nov 1959.
#Rail, Black -A-xx--PNR, 5/23-6/21 1967; calls on tape at Cornell University. Little Sewickley Creek Wetlands near Cowansburg, May 12 2007.
Rail, Virginia -SR*rrr-Has nested at PNR & Donegal Lake.
Moorhen, Common -T-r-r--
Coot, American -T-fcrcu-
Plover, Black-bellied -T-r-r-Turner's Pond, Apr 27 1996.
Plover, American Golden -T---vr-Donegal Lake. Two records. Slickville (1), Sep 11 2002.
Plover, Semipalmated -T-r-r--
Killdeer -SR*cccrGrassland species - farmland, reclaimed stripmines; shorelines, lawns, sports fields, dirt/gravel lots.
Yellowlegs, Greater -T-u-u--
Yellowlegs, Lesser -T-u-r--
Sandpiper, Solitary -T-u-u--
Willet -A-x---Donegal Lake (2), Apr 24 1972. Donegal Lake (9), Apr 29 1983. Trees Mills, May 8 1997. Donegal Lake (6), Sep 28 2004.
Sandpiper, Spotted -SR*fccfc--
Sandpiper, Upland -SR*rr--Now endangered in PA; formerly fairly common, declining. Grassland species - farmland, reclaimed stripmines, airports, golf courses. Very scarce since 2000 when two were seen/heard at Hutter's Farm, Apr 28.
Whimbrel -A---x-Latrobe Airport, Sept 25 1977.
Turnstone, Ruddy -T-r-r--
Sanderling -A-----Donegal Lake, Nov 6-7 1972.
Sandpiper, Semipalmated -T-u-u--
Sandpiper, Western -T-r-r-Twin Lakes County Park, Oct 23 1997.
Sandpiper, Least -T-u-u--
Sandpiper, White-rumped-x---Donegal Lake, Apr 29 1984.
Sandpiper, Pectoral -T-u-u--
Dunlin -T---r--
Sandpiper, Stilt -T---r--
Dowitcher, Short-billed -T---r--
Dowitcher, Long-billed -A---x-Greensburg, Oct 28 1979.
Snipe, Common -T*uvrurHas nested near Jones Mills.
Woodcock, American -SR*fcfcfc-In decline due to loss of habitat. Old fields and nearby woods.
#Avocet, American -A---x-Donegal Lake, Sept 17 1977. Beaver Run Res (9), Jul 23, 24, & 27 2002.
Phalarope, Wilson's -A-x---Mammoth wetlands (Klaka Farm), 1 male in breeding plummage, May 15 2000.
Phalarope, Red-necked -A-x---Three at PNR, May 18 1984.
#Phalarope, Red -A---x-Laughlintown, Nov 19 1960. Keystone State Park Lake, Sept. 21 2007.
#Gull, Laughing -T--r--Overhead at PNR (1 adult), Sep 1 2005.
Gull, Bonaparte's -T-fc-ur-
Gull, Ring-billed -T-fcrurMigrant stopovers at lakes, rivers, farm fields, sports fields, parking lots.
Gull, Herring -T-u-rr-
#Kittiwake, Black-legged -A,T-u--xKeystone State Park, one possible, unconfirmed, SAP count with 7 birders, Dec 7 1997.
Gull, Little -A--x--One (banded) found dead Beaver Run, Jun 23 1996. Banded 200 miles north of Stockholm Sweden Jul 7 1995.
Tern, Caspian -T-rrr-Donegal Lake 1, Sep 23 1974. Loyalhanna Lake Bush Recreation Area 2 (1a 1imm), Aug 1994. Donegal Lake, Apr 23 1996. Keystone State Park, May 29 1996. Beaver Run Res (1), May 10 1997. Loyalhanna Lake, Jul 25 2000. Keystone State Park (2), Apr 9 2004. Donegal Lake (10), Sep 18 2004. Beaver Run Res (1), Apr 21 2005.
Tern, Common -T-u-r-Common Tern (12), Jun 5 1982. Donegal Lake (1), Oct 20 1996. Twin Lakes County Park (2), Jul 4 1998. Keystone State Park (2), Jul 5 1998. Loyalhanna Lake Bush Recreation Area (1), Aug 4. 2001. Donegal Lake, Apr 22 2004. Keystone State Park (3), May 1 2007.
Tern Forster's -T-u-r-Donegal Lake (8), Oct 20 1996. Donegal Lake (3), Sep 18 2004.
Tern, Black -T-uvru-Twin Lakes (2), May 4 1983. Mammoth Park, spring 1981. Mammoth Park (2), Jun 5 1982. Donegal Lake (65), Aug 14 1994. Near Slickville, May 16 1996. Keystone State Park, Aug 5 1996. Loyalhanna Dam Bush Recreation Area (4 in winter plumage), Sep 10 1997. Loyalhanna Lake Bush Recreation Area (4), Jul 31 2004. Beaver Run Res (1), Aug 20 2004. Keystone State Park (1), Aug 24 2004. Donegal Lake (3), Aug 31 2005. Endangered in PA.
Dove, Rock -I,PR*aaaa-
Dove, Mourning -PR*aaaa-
Cuckoo, Black-billed -SR*fcfcfc-More common following caterpiller outbreaks.
Cuckoo, Yellow-billed -SR*fcfcfc-More common following caterpiller outbreaks.
#Owl, Barn -PR*rrrrOften migratory; may or may not be present in winter. Use to be fairly common until the mid 1970s. Currently rare. Attempts being made of re-introducing the species at locations in the state. Barn Owls were a common sight & sound around Latrobe in the 1960s and early 1970s. They used buildings at Saint Vincent College; the "Sauerkraut Tower", barn (gone), and gristmill; and hollow Sycamore trees along the Loyalhanna Creek.
Sreech Owl, Eastern -PR*fcfcfcfc-
Owl, Great-horned -PR*fcfcfcfcOften nest in old Red-tailed Hawk nest, in depressions of broken off tree trunks, rarely on rock ledge.
Owl, Snowy -WV-r--r-
Owl, Barred -PR*uuuu-
Owl, Long-eared -PR?-rrrrStatus not clear; probably a rare breeding permanent resident. Bushy Run Park Xmas Bird Count (1), Dec 21 1996. Loyalhanna Gamelands (1), Feb 23 1997 during a WCBC walk. One found on SR201 near Belle Vernon, bird had been hit by a vehicle, Jan 11 2003.
Owl, Short-eared -WV-r-rrGrassland species - farmland, reclaimed stripmines.
Owl, Northern Saw-Whet -T,PRMrrrrNests in Laurel Summit Bog & Rector area.
Nighthawk, Common -SRLucc-Nests on flat rooftops in towns. Numbers have been declining.
#Whip-poor-will -SR*rrr-In decline, reasons not clear. Occurs sporadically on/near Chestnut Ridge and Laurel Ridge, less so beyond the ridges.
Swift, Chimney -SR*ccc--
Hummingbird, Ruby Throated -SR*ccc--
#Hummingbird, Rufous---xxLigonier & Latrobe, one record each. Delmont, Nov 14 1997 banded by PNR bander. A Rufous died Jan 5 1999 that had wintered at same location two years in a row. Murrysville, Sep 27 2002.
Kingfisher, Belted -PR*fcfcfcrOverwinter along waterways that remain ice free.
Woodpecker, Red-headed -SR,T*rrr-Irregular summer & winter resident. A few breeding records.
Woodpecker, Red-bellied -PR*cccc-
Sapsucker, Yellow-bellied -T,SRMfcvrfcr-
Woodpecker, Downy -PR*cccc-
Woodpecker, Hairy -PR*fcfcfcfc-
Flicker, Northern -SR*fcccu-
Woodpecker, Pileated -PR*uuuu-
Kingbird, Eastern -SR*fcfcfc--
Kingbird, Western -A---x-PNR, Sept 17 1961. Near PNR, Nov 2 2005.
#Flycatcher, Scissor-tailed -A-x---Stahlstown, Jun 18 1970. Thomas Crossroads in Ligonier Valley, May 1 2005.
Flycatcher, Olive-sided -T-r-u--
Wood-Pewee, Eastern -SR*ccc--
#Flycatcher, Yellow-billied -T-fc-c-Early fall migrant beginning mid-July. One singing at Spruce Flats Bog, Laurel Summit, June 18 - July 2 1998.
Flycatcher, Acadian -SR*ccc-Breeds in mature forest & ravines.
Flycatcher, Alder -SR*uru-Breeds along stream bottoms near alders.
Flycatcher, Willow -SR*fcfcfc-Breeds in drier, upland habitat than Alder's.
Flycatcher, Least -SR*fcfcfc-Breeds in open upland forest & secondary growth. Reliably found along Hickory Flats Road on Laurel Summit during breeding season.
Phoebe, Eastern -SR*cccr-
Flycatcher, Great Crested -SR*ccu--
Lark, Horned -PR*fcrfcfcWinter flocks of 25-100 in farm fields, especially freshly manured fields on dairy farms. Regular at farmland west of Crabtree, an area bound by Rt119, Rt819, & Rt22.
Martin, Purple -SRLcufc-Disappeared from many areas after hurricane Agnes in 1972. Very few colonies left in the county. Successful colonies tend to be near working farm land.
Swallow, Tree -SR*acu--
Swallow, N. Rough-winged -SR*cuu-Will nest in towns. An urban species where water is present.
Swallow, Bank -SR,T?fc-r--
#Swallow, Cliff -SR*cuu-Nesting beneath concrete walkways over water at Mammoth County Park and Beaver Run Reservoir.
Swallow, Barn -SR*aafc--
Jay, Blue PR*ccac-
Crow, American -PR*acac-
Fish Crow, American -A*acacLuxor farm pond (1 heard), May 9 1998 during 7th NAMC, not submitted to PORC.
Raven, Common -PRMuruuIncreasing and expanding range; now nesting westward of Chestnut Ridge.
Chickadee, Black-capped -PR*ccccBeing replaced by Carolina Chickadee in SW part of Co.
Chickadee, Carolina -PRLfcfcfcfcExpanding breeding range northward in the lowlands.
Chickadee, Boreal -A---x-PNR, Oct 26 1969 & Nov 8 1975. Near Latrobe fall 1975.
Titmouse, Tufted -PR*cccc-
Nuthatch, Red-breasted -WV,SRMuruuIrregular in winter.
Nuthatch, White-breasted -PRLfcfcfcfc-
Creeper, Brown -PRMfcufcu-
Wren, Carolina -PR*uuuuNot hardy. Usually scarce after severe winters with deep snow.
Wren, House -SR*ccc--
Wren, Winter -PRMuufcuReliably found along Linn Run, Fish Run & Laurel Summit.
Wren, Bewick's -E-x-x-Exterpated. Last seen in the late 1970s.
#Wren, Sedge -?-rvrr-Nested near PNR 1979; to be expected elsewhere. Near Beaver Run Res, May 9-17 1994 and May 1995. Near Turner's Pond, May 9 - Jun 6 1994. One singing & (dummy?) nest, Latrobe at 3rd bridge, May 14 1997 into June 1997. One near Slickville, Jul 1 1998. Near Rt819 and Porter's Run Rd, Aug 25 2004. Hunter's Lane near Jones Mill, Sep 3 2007. Threatened in PA.
Wren, Marsh -T-r-u--
Kinglet, Golden-crowned -PR*McuccNests regularly in the mountains & Ligonier Valley.
Kinglet, Ruby-crowned -T,WV-c-cr-
Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray -SR*ccc--
Bluebird, Eastern -PR*ccccPopulation heavily dependent on man-made nesting boxes.
#Solitaire, Townsend -A*rrr-Near Five Points (Rt22-Rt819), Jan 15 2000. Unconfirmed.
Veery -SRMccc--
Thrush, Gray-cheeked -T-u-u--
Thrush, Bicknell's -A---x-PNR Banding Station. Field ID very difficult without song.
Thrush, Swainson's -T-cxcxTwo winter records near Powdermill, Jan 14 1985.
Thrush, Hermit -SRMfcfccr-
Thrush, Wood -SR*cccx-
Robin, American -SR*aaau-
Catbird,Gray -SR*cccr-
Mockingbird, Northern -SR*uuuuHas been on the increase, common (sparsely so).
Thrasher, Brown -SR*fcfcfcx-
Waxwing,Cedar -SR*ccau-
Pipit, American -T-r-r-Can be seen in flocks up to 100+ birds. Farm fields, beaches, shorelines, mudflats.
Shrike, Northern -SR---rrNear Beaver Run Res, Feb 6 & 13 1996. Mammoth County Park, Nov 16 & Dec 5 1999, Feb 22 2000.
Shrike, Loggerhead -T-r-r-Donegal Lake, May 25 1998. Endangered in PA.
Starling, European -I -PR*aaaa-
Vireo, White-eyed -SR*ccc--
Vireo, Solitary -SR*ccc--
Vireo, Yellow-throated -SR*uuu--
Vireo, Warbling -SR*fcfcfc--
Vireo, Philadelphia -T-u-u--
Vireo, Red-eyed -SR*ccc--
Warbler, Blue-winged -SR*cfcfc-Prefers short-lived late secondary successional habitats in lowlands.
Warbler, Golden-winged -SR*ccu-Prefers short-lived late secondary successional habitats in mountains.
Warbler, Tennessee -T-c-c--
Warbler, Orange-crowned -T-r-u--
Warbler, Nashville -SRMcrc-Common transient that breeds irregularly on laurel Mtn & PNR.
Parula, Northern -SR*fcfcfc--
Warbler, Yellow -SR*ccu-Early fall migrant; mostly gone by mid-August.
Warbler, Chestnut-sided -SR*cfcfc--
Warbler, Magnolia -SRMcfcc--
Warbler, Cape May -T-fc-cx-
Warbler, Black-throated Blue -SRMccc--
Warbler, Yellow-rumped -T-cxauBelieved to have nested at Laurel Summit Glade in 1980s.
Warbler, Black-throated Green -SR*ccc--
Warbler, Blackburnian -SRMfcfcfc--
Warbler, Yellow-throated -SR*uur-Increasing. Common along riverside Rail-toTrails.
Warbler, Pine -T?rxrvr-
Warbler, Kirtland's -T---vr-PNR Banding Station, Sept 21-Oct 2 1971.
Warbler, Prairie -SR-fcfcu-Breeds in short-lived secondary successional habitats.
Warbler, Palm -T-u-fc--
Warbler, Bay-breasted -T-c-c--
Warbler, Blackpoll -T-fc-c-One of the last spring migrants.
Warbler, Cerulean -SR*cfcu--
Warbler, Black & White -SR*ccc--
Redstart, American -SR*ccc--
Warbler, Prothonotary -T-vr---One singing at Loyalhanna Lake far shore opposite Bush Recreation Area for several weeks early May into Jun 2001. One singing at Mammoth Wetlands (Klaka Rd) in flooded area during high water, Jun 18 2003.
Warbler, Worm-eating -SR*uuu-Breeding in the mountains, SGL 296 & Guffy Hollow.
#Warbler, Swainson's -A-vr---PNR Banding Station; mid-May of 1985, 1989, 1992; May 15 2001. Loyalhanna Lake Koontz Rd May 9 - Jun 2 1998, May 8 - May 27 1999, located during NAMC May 9 1998. Bushy Run Battlefield Park, May 8 2001. Near Bolivar along TR988, Jun 11 2006.
Ovenbird -SR*ccc--
Waterthrush, Northern -T-fc-fc--
Waterthrush, Louisiana -SR*ccu-Breeding habitat-shaded streams. Early fall migrant beginning late July.
Warbler, Kentucky -SR*fcfcfc--
Warbler, Connecticut -T-r-u--
Warbler, Mourning -TMuxu-No nesting records since 1970s. Spruce Flats Bog Laurel Summit (1), Jun 23 1998. One singing at Spruce Flats Bog, June 15 - 21 1999.
Yellowthroat, Common -SR*cccr-
Warbler, Hooded -SR*ccc--
Warbler, Wilson's -T-fc-fc--
Warbler, Canada -SRMfcfcfc--
Chat, Yellow-breasted -SR*fcfcr--
Tanager, Summer -T-vr---Numerous records for Ligonier Valley.
Tanager, Scarlet -SR*ccc--
Cardinal, Northern -PR*ccca-
Grosbeak, Rose-breasted -SR*cfccx-
#Grosbeak, Black-headed -*----One female at PNR, Sep 24 2004.
Grosbeak, Blue -A?xx--Ligonier, May 27 1974. Summer record near Blairsville, 1992. New Alexandria (1), during NAMC May 11 2002. SGL west of Bolivar, Jun 11 2006.
Bunting, Indigo -SR*cccx-
Bunting, Painted -A-x---PNR, May 5-15 1996.
Dickcissel -A,SR*rrr-Irregular breeder, widespread nesting in 1988. Locally in 1996, May 17 near Kecksburg, as many as 15 counted, breeding/nesting behavior. Delmont (1), Apr 2 1999.
Towhee, Eastern -SR*cccr-
Towhee, Spotted -A---x-Collected at PNR; imm male, Nov 12 1966 & imm female, Oct 16 1975. One adult male at a residence in Export, Dec 26 1999 into Jan 2000.
Bunting, Lark -A-x---Delmont, May 28 1980.
Sparrow, American Tree -WV-u-uc-
Sparrow, Chipping -SR*ccar-
Sparrow, Clay-colored -A-x-x-PNR Banding Station, May 15 1996, May 10 2002.
Sparrow, Field -SR*cccr-
Sparrow, Vesper -SR*fcuu-Grassland species - farmland, reclaimed stripmines.
Sparrow, Savannah -SR*ccfc-Grassland species - farmland, reclaimed stripmines.
Sparrow, Grasshopper -SR*fcfcu-Grassland species - farmland, reclaimed stripmines.
Sparrow, Henslow's -SR*rru-Grassland species - farmland, reclaimed stripmines.
Sparrow, LeConte's -A---x-PNR, Oct 20 1991.
Sparrow, Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed -A---x-PNR, Oct 3 1972 Specimen in Carnegie Museum.
#Sparrow, Nelson's Sharp-tailed -A---x-Marsh near Herminie, Oct 1996. Wetlands on North Fork of Little Sewickley Creek near Westmoreland County Fair Grounds, Pollin Farm, Oct. 9 & 20 1999. PNR, Sep 30 2000.
Sparrow, Fox -T-c-cr-
Sparrow, Song -PR*cccfc-
Sparrow, Lincoln's -T-u-fcvr-
Sparrow, Swamp -SR*fcucr-
Sparrow, White-throated -WV-cxcfcTwo non-breeding records for PNR.
Sparrow, White-crowned -T-fc-fcr-
#Sparrow, Gambel's (subspecies) White-crowned -T-----PNR, Oct 20 2001.
Junco, Dark-eyed -PRMacac-
Longspur, Lapland -WV-vr--vrLigonier, Jan 21 1978. Crabtree, Feb-Mar 1996. Can occur with wintering flocks of Horned Lark and Snow Bunting.
Bunting, Snow -WV---rrKeystone State Park beach (2), Oct 29 1997. Can occur with wintering flocks of Horned Larks.
Bobolink -SR*ccu-Grassland species, farm fields.
Blackbird, Red-winged -SR*aaau-
Meadowlark, Eastern -SR*cccrGrassland species, farmland, rural lawns, reclaimed stripmines.
#Meadowlark, Western -A*rrr-Near Mutual Wetlands, Apr 28 2001. One singing near Trauger (Baker Rd), May 12 2001.
Blackbird, Rusty -T-fc-fcr-
# Blackbird, Brewer's - A-fc-fcrHelen Rd, Crabtree, Jan 30 2003, & Jan 6 2004. A small flock at a backyard feeder in Murrysville from Mar 4 to at least Mar 22 2003.
Grackle, Common -SR*aaar-
Cowbird, Brown-headed -SR*aacr-
Oriole, Orchard -SR*uur-Local & increasing.
Oriole, Baltimore -SR*ccux-
Grosbeak, Pine -WV,T-vr--vrPNR, Dec 19 1972. Ligonier, Apr 17 1996.
Finch, Purple -SRMcucfc-
#Finch, House -PR,I*ccccPopulation periodically reduced by a blinding eye disease (conjunctivitis) that began in the mid-1990s. Began appearing in the county in the 1970s.
Crossbill, Red -WV-r-rrBehind the Sheraton Inn of Greensburg (5), Apr 3 1998. At feeder in Latrobe (8), 7th NAMC May 9 1998. Delmont (2), Sep 9 1999.
Crossbill, White-winged -WV-r-rrAt a feeder in Murrysville (1 male), Apr 1 1998.
Redpoll, Common -WV-u-uuVery irregular winter visitor, sometimes common.
Siskin, Pine -WVMuruuA few have attempted nesting in the lowlands.
Goldfinch, American -PR*cccc-
#Grosbeak, Evening -WV-u-uuIrregular winter visitor, historically sometimes abundant; declining, now an uncommon to rare winter visitor.
Sparrow, House -I, PR*aaaa-

Total species = 305~.

About this checklist: Jim Pemberton did the initial computer work, Don Koch & Dick Byers filled in the blank spaces. Much thanks goes to Bob Leberman for editing each of the five drafts and providing records. Paul Hess also reviewed several drafts and made many helpful suggestions.

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