This web site was started during the last week of August 1997.
The name of this web site, ScreamingHawk, comes from the high pitched whistle of Broad-winged Hawks soaring high on thermal air currents on hot, sunny, summer afternoons; the hoarse, raspy scream of Red-tailed Hawks year round; in Westmoreland County, southwestern Pennsylvania.
The purpose of this web site is to be an avenue for information, in-site information and links to other places on the internet. Web site design preference has been for longer pages for the visitor to scroll thru for information, in a text-based printer-friendly format, rather than a series of shorter pages to have to download for the same amount of information, and avoiding the use of frames unless the page content works best with it. On many of the pages external links will open in a separate browser window, internal links in the same window.
About copyright: Elements of the site that I care about as belonging to "me" are the photographs taken & scanned by me, such as the image files linked to any of the Images pages. The images are for private, non-commercial use only. You may save my photos for your personal, non-commercial use, with credit given to the source being this website and its creator/owner. I also created the .ico files, some of them from photographs. If you post any of the images on your personal web site, or use any for other public, non-commercial purposes, use of the following text is desired:
© Photo(s) by Tim Vechter,
The images are from 35mm film prints that have been scanned on flatbed scanners and saved as JPEG format, and more recently from a Canon Powershot A560 digital camera; 7.1 Megapixel, 4x Optical, 4x Digital zoom.