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The Collectors
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The Solar Water Heater

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The Solar Heat Page -- For Kids !!

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This concludes the basic tour of the system. The "Next Stop" button below will take you back to the Solar Main Page, or you may continue reading below for answers to some questions often asked. After the FAQ Page are details on how you may also purchase information packets on selected components of the system that will assist you should you wish to duplicate some of what you have seen here.
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Q: Would you consider this project a long term success?
A: In a word yes. It has saved about half on the expected energy usage for this house over a period of 20 years. It has done so with minimal maintenance requirements. Most of what has been done was in order to simply test various concepts in a real world situation. Some have been integrated where appropriate; others have been dismissed as not worth doing.

Q: Why do you not generate electricity with your system?
A: It has not proven to be a cost effective option at this point in time. The high cost of photovoltaic cells compared to the amount of power generated simply does not make it worth while when it is compared to the cost of commercial power. Maybe at some future time when the price of the panels comes down or the cost per kilowatt-hour of commercial power continues to increase this will be an option. But for now, except where commercial power is either not available or extremely unreliable, solar electric just doesn't make economic sense.

Q: Why the electric furnace instead of a heat pump? I thought they were much more efficient.
A: They are more efficient. But one need also consider the initial cost. Current units are about 3 times better than resistive heat furnaces. But again the initial cost is about $1200 more than the resistive furnace. Plus in order for the solar system to work in conjunction with a heat pump, modifications would need to be made. These adaptations would also be more involved than those needed to simply replace the sequencers in the electric furnace adding to the cost. But one of the biggest drawbacks is actually a benefit of the solar heat system. Because half of the heat demands are provided by solar, any benefit gained by using a more efficient backup heat system is only half what the average homeowner might expect. This fact alone would double the payback time the heat pump might offer.
However recent innovations, such as geothermal heat pumps and improved performance at lower cost by today's models against what was state of the art a few years ago may at some point in the future make a decision to convert prudent.

Q: Why are you using forced air instead of liquid collectors?
A: At the time the system was installed it was the easiest and most cost effective. Since then I have experimented with liquid collectors on the Water Heater and am actually considering changing to a liquid collector with a liquid to air heat exchanger in the storage unit. The double glazed collector has proven to operate much more efficiently in extreme weather than a single glazed FRP panel.
However there are good points and bad about both methods. The forced air system is not subject to leaks or freezing. It responds faster to broken cloud conditions since there is not as much mass to heat. Heat transfer is easier since the rest of the system is forced air no heat exchanger is necessary. The liquid system has the advantages of needing no large heat ducts, or large collector blowers. Plus, since water is heavier than air the problem of fighting the tendency of hot air to rise in order to force it to the basement storage is not a consideration. Pumps can move more BTU per hour more efficiently than blowers so transfer of heat to storage is better. So in reality it is a trade-off each has its good points and bad.

Q: Why did you use a custom built controller rather than a PC?
A: Since this system is one of several which operate my house I wanted to stay with the same general concept. Certainly I could have done it with a regular PC, but since the controller has only one basic duty the versatility of a PC was not an issue. Speed and memory size are also not large so the use of a PC would have been overkill. Besides that the concept was developed in the early 1980s, before PCs were found in every home. Back then even a small computer was expensive, well over $1000. So what I did was develop a small general purpose controller based around the then current 8 bit 8085 processor. I built several of them and incorporated them into various functions in my house. Since then, and to maintain compatibility between systems I have continued to use the same basic controllers. Old, primitive by today's standards, but it still works very well. There would be no advantage to re-inventing the wheel.

Q: How can I obtain information or plans to build a solar heat system of my own?
A: At the conclusion of the Frequently Asked Questions there is a list of information packets available for purchase. Decide which one suits your needs and click the link to e-mail me. I will respond with instructions to get what you need shipped to you.

Q: Can you help me design a system for my house?
A: Unfortunately there is not a lot I can do from here. I don't have your climatic information and other very important bits of information I would need to size a system to your specific needs. All I can do is what is done here, that is give you what has worked for me. It will be up to you to take what is provided, consider your situation, and make adaptations to make it work for you.

I hope this has answered a few of your questions about my system. If you have any other comments or questions feel free to e-mail me using the E-Mail link at the top of this website. I will respond to any general questions you may have.

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Many have written asking about plans to build a Solar Heat System. I am making available drawings and schematics which will allow a competent individual to do just that. Certain electronics hardware is also available on special order. The List below describes items currently available.

NOTE: The information packets consist of Technical Drawings. They are NOT step by step How-To instructions. It is assumed the buyer has the technical expertise to read these drawings and adapt them to his application. The builder must modify certain details and adapt them to his particular requirements.

How To Place An Order:

  1. View the Descriptions of the items below. Decide what you want.
  2. E-Mail Me , and list the items you want. DO NOT SEND PAYMENT AT THIS TIME.
  3. You will receive back E-Mail telling you the amount due, including shipping if applicable. (In the case of special order items, a delivery date and other instructions will be sent to you. A deposit may be required on certain of these items.)
  4. Send Full Payment in the form of a Money Order or Check drawn on US bank. (Not Responsible for lost cash.)
  5. Once payment is received and confirmed, your item will be shipped.

Solar Water Heater - Information Packet #1001
    This packet consists of a drawing set showing details of the Collectors, Heat Exchanger, Storage, and interconnects between them. It also provides a board layout and basic schematic of a Differential Thermostat capable of controlling operation. Plumbing, carpentry, and electronics skills are required to construct the system as described here.
Order #1001 - - $20.00, shipping included

Differential Controller - Information Packet #1002

    This packet contains the schematic and board layout of the Differential Thermostat only. It is useful for those who are using their own collector design. The thermostat features a dual pump capability where the turn on of pump "B" follows Pump "A" to allow for two circulating loops. Dual speed pump operation is also supported.
Order #1002 - - $15.00, shipping included

Differential Controller - Assembled and Tested #2002 Board.

    This is an assembled and tested control board used in the Differential Controller. It is a plug-in board, ready for use. The only additional electronics work needed is the external wiring (sensors, power supply, and pump control relays.) Drawings are provided for these, all are basic wiring. A drawing showing recommended mounting is included. You will need to purchase the relays and a 12 volt/1 amp power supply locally. A connector and sensors are included.
Order #2002 - - $155.00, plus actual shipping costs (Requires deposit with order, allow 4 weeks for delivery.)

Digital Control Unit - Information Packet #1003

    A set of schematics and board layouts for an 8 bit controller. This is based on the 8085 microprocessor. Included are schematics and layout for the Processor Board, Input Buffer, Output Latch, an 8 channel A/D Converter used for temperature sensors, and a special purpose I/O board which includes status monitors and a real-time clock. This is a complex electronics project. You will need experience etching and working double-sided PC boards. In addition, this project will require you to be able to write the necessary code and program the EPROMS with a program to operate the system you design. You will also need to design any interface components needed in your application. (I do not provide these support services since it is not possible for me to know what requirements you may have for your system.) With this option I do provide a test program which will allow you to get the basic controller operational, but it will not operate a solar heat system. It is only a basic debug tool. You will also need to build a backplane to provide for connections between the various cards. You can use different combinations of I/O cards as needed to provide the number of I/O ports you require. In fact, that is one of the main advantages to this system, it is very adaptable to changes you may want to make to a particular system.
Order #1003 - - $30.00 Shipping included

Solar Heat Pages - For Kids ! - Information Packet #0SHK

    This is a printed copy of the Wizard's explanation of Solar Heat from the website. Some teachers have had difficulty in formatting the pages on their printers for use in the classroom, so I have made available the complete set for those interested. It includes the text and pictures in color as well as the Wizard's Page with the Definitions, Quiz, and Word Find. The answer page is also included.
Order #0SHK - - $2.50 each + $2.00 shipping for 1 - 10 sets. . 11 or more sets - $2.25 each - shipping included

Specialized Electronics Design - #0SPE

    If you have a design or specific requirement for your system, E-Mail Me . I will look over your needs and consider a quote on providing any specialized hardware you may need.
Order #0SPE - - Contact Me for more Information

Check back often as new items will be added as they become available.

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© J.Brown - JAN 2007